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  2. Kawagoe I, Hayashida M, Nozumi Y, Banno T, Hirayama S, Suzuki K, Satoh D, Naito Y, Inada E: A combination of a partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (papvc) and a lung tumor requiring pulmonary resection.J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2017 Feb;31(1):274-278
  3. Yamaguchi K, Kumakura S, Murakami T, Someya A, Inada E, Nagaoka I: Ketamine suppresses the substance P-induced production of IL-6 and IL-8 by human U373MG glioblastoma/astrocytoma cells. Int J Mol Med. 2017 Mar;39(3):687-692
  4. Yamaguchi K, Kumakura S, Murakami T, Someya A, Iseki.M Inada E, Nagaoka I: Anti-inflammatory actions of gabapentin and pregabalin on the substance P-induced mitogen-activated protein kinases activation in U373 MG human glioblastoma astrocytoma cells. Mol Med Rep 5:6109-6115,2017
  5. Aoyama K, D'Souza R, Inada E, Lapinsky SE,Fowler RA:Measurement properties of comorbidity indices in maternal health research: a systematic review. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017 Nov 13;17(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1558-3
  6. Yamaguchi K, Kumakura S, Someya A, Iseki M, Inada E, Nagaoka I: Anti‑inflammatory actions of gabapentin and pregabalin on the substance P‑induced mitogen‑activated protein kinase activation in U373 MG human glioblastoma astrocytoma cells. Mol Med Rep. 2017 Nov;16(5):6109-6115
  7. Yamamoto M, Hayashida M, Kakemizu-Watanabe M, Ando N, Mukaida H,Kawagoe I, Yusuke S, Inada E: B-type natriuretic peptide and hemoglobin are two major factors significantly associated with baseline cerebral oxygen saturation measured using the INVOS oximeter in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2017 Apr 13. pii: S1053-0770(17)30407-X. doi:10.1053/j.jvca.2017.04.018. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Mukaida H, Hayashida M, Matsushita S, Yamamoto M, Nakamura A, Amano A. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) may play a major role in risk stratification based on cerebral oxygen saturation by near-infrared spectroscopy in patients undergoing major cardiovascular surgery. PLoS One, 2017; 12(7): e0181154.
  9. Satoshi Mohri, Takeshi Yokoyama, Mikiya Otsuji, Hideko Arita, Kazuo Hanaoka. Temperature-dependent inotropic and lusitropic indices based on half-logistic time constants for four segmental phases in isovolumic left ventricular pressure-time curve in excised, cross-circulated canine heart. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 95(2):190-198, 2017
  10. Toru Takahashi. Evaluation of external pressure to the sacral region in the lithotomy position using the noninvasive pressure distribution measurement system. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 13: 207-213, 2017
  11. Mitaka C, Ohnuma T, Murayama T, Kunimoto K, Nagashima M, Takei T, Iguchi N, Tomita M, for the JAPAN Investigators. Effects of low-dose atrial natriuretic peptide infusion on cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Journal of Critical Care 2017;38:253-258
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  14. Sato M, Masui K, Sarentonglaga B, Yamaguchi M, Fukumori R, Nagao Y, Sago H, Sumikura H. Influence of maternal remifentanil concentration on fetal-to-maternal ratio in pregnant ewes. J Anesth. 2017;31:517-522.
  15. Keito Kou, Takeshi Omae, Saiko Wakabayashi and Sonoko Sakuraba. A case in which a capnometer was useful for diagnosing laryngospasm fllowing administration of sugammadex. JA Clinical Reports (2017)3:41 DOI 10.1186/s40981-017-0111-8
  16. Yui Yamane, Takeshi Omae, Keito Kou, and Sonoko sakuraba. Successful use of femoral nerve block with dexmedetomidine for fracture fixation of an intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck in a patient with severe aortic stenosis:a case report. JA Clinical Reports (2017)3:53 DOI 10.1186/s40981-017-0126-1
  1. Kawagoe I., Hayashida M., Satoh D., Inada E. Anesthetic management of a patient with a non-functioning right lung who underwent left lung resection http://euroanaesthesia2017.esahq.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Abstract-programme-BY-FIELD-OF-INTEREST.pdf
  2. Izumi Kawagoe, Masakazu Hayashida, Daizoh Satoh, Seiji Ishikawa, Kenji Suzuki, Eiichi Inada. "Which of Desflurane or Propofol Provides Rapider Emergence From General Anesthesia After Lung Resection? A Prospective, Randomized Study http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm?year=2017&index=7&absnum=4498
  3. Mayumi Tanaka, Daizoh Satoh, Akane komatsu, Yousuke Katsuda, Izumi Kawgaoe, Eiichi Inada. " Intra-operative Nitrogen Balance and Blood Glucose During Laparoscopic Colorectal Cancer Surgery http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm?year=2017&index=2&absnum=4593
  1. Kawagoe I, Hayashida M, Nozumi Y, Banno T, Hirayama S, Suzuki K, Satoh D, Naito Y, Inada E. A Combination of a Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (PAPVC) and a Lung Tumor Requiring Pulmonary Resection. J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth.,.2017; 31(1): 274-278.
  2. Kawagoe I, Hayashida M, Nozumi Y, Banno T, Hirayama S, Suzuki K, Satoh D, Naito Y, Inada E. A Combination of a Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (PAPVC) and a Lung Tumor Requiring Pulmonary Resection. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.2017; 31:274-278
  3. Ishikawa S, Akune T, Ishibashi T, Makita K.  A case of unexpected impaired oxygenation due to intraoperative pneumothorax: an adverse event associated with respiratory management with spontaneous respiration in a patient with esophagobronchial fistulae.  JA Clin Rep 2017; 3: 31.
  1. 稲田英一、猪俣武範、嶋田晶江、川﨑志保理、天野篤、吉川努、国松修一:手術の術前時間と術後時間の長さ:外科系診療科と麻酔法による差。臨床麻酔 2017;41(10):1411-546
  2. 福田征孝 菅澤佑介 安藤望 掛水真帆 山本牧子 林田眞和 西村欣也 稲田英一、術後に高度除脈を伴う心筋虚血を来し緊急冠動脈バイパス術を来した川崎病性冠動脈瘤縫縮術の麻酔経験、Cardiovascular Anesthesia  、2017;21:37‐41
  3. 松本 園子、光畑 裕正:腰椎手術後疼痛症候群に対する後仙腸靱帯ブロックの効果に関する後方視的検討 日本ペインクリニック学会誌24巻318-324, 2017
  4. 三枝勉、今井美奈、飯田史絵、松本園子、山口敬介、光畑裕正:しびれに対して漢方薬が有効であった2症例 痛みと漢方27巻 14-17, 2017
  5. 今井美奈、三枝勉、飯田史絵、本間裕之、松本園子、中村かんな、山口敬介、光畑裕正:ペインクリニック外来における緊張型頭痛に対する漢方薬の分析 痛みと漢方27巻 137-141, 2017
  6. 松本 園子、小西 るり子、光畑 裕正:手指の難治性糖尿病性壊死性潰瘍に対する当帰四逆加呉茱萸生姜湯の著効例 痛みと漢方27巻 152-156, 2017
  7. 天野功二郎, 宮崎里佳, 吉川晶子, 中村尊子, 田邉豊.  創部への局所麻酔薬の浸潤が有効であった遷延性鎖骨骨折術後痛の2症例. 慢性疼痛、2017、 36:123-127
  8. 尾前毅,周術期輸液の変遷,臨床麻酔,2017;41(2):135 
  1. 福田征孝, 菅澤佑介, 安藤望, 掛水真帆, 山本牧子, 西村欣也, 林田眞和, 稲田英一: 術後に高度徐脈を伴う心筋虚血を来し緊急冠動脈バイパス術を要した川崎病性冠動脈瘤縫縮術の麻酔経験. Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2017;21(1): 37-41
  2. 川越いづみ, 三高千恵子, 片岡久実, 佐藤大三, 林田眞和, 稲田英一:術後回復室で高度徐脈により心停止をきたした1例. 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2017;37(5): 611-5
  3. 福田征孝,菅澤佑介,安藤望,掛水真帆,山本牧子,西村欣也,林田眞和,稲田英一.術後に高度徐脈を伴う心筋虚血を来し緊急動脈バイパス術を要した川崎病性冠動脈瘤縫縮術の麻酔経験.Cardiovascular Anesthesia, 2017; 21(1): 37-41.
  4. 川越いづみ,三高千恵子,片岡久実,佐藤大三,林田眞和,稲田英一.術後回復室で高度徐脈により心停止をきたした1例.日本臨床麻酔科学会誌, 2017; 37(5): 611-615.
  5. 河合愛子 篠原仁 玉川隆生 千葉聡子 菊池暢子 原厚子 井関雅子:ペインクリニックで発見した腰仙椎の神経鞘腫2症例.ペインクリニック.2017,.38:1327-1339.