Analysis of phase-amplitude coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp electroencephalography: Comparison with focal and generalized epileptic spasms
Assessment of usability of passive functional mapping for children
The 33rd International Epilepsy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 25 June 2019
Sugano H
Machine Learning For Epileptic Focus Detection Using Multiband Entropy- Based Feature-Extraction Method In Patients with Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Nakajima M
Expression of the glycated protein leucine-rich alpha2 glycoprotein in the hippocampus prevents decreased cognitive function after status epilepticus.
Iimura Y
Analysis of phase-amplitude coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp electroencephalography: Comparison with focal and generalized epileptic spasms
Mitsuhashi T
Assessment of usability of passive functional mapping of language for epilepsy surgery
第78回日本脳神経外科学会総会 大阪 2019/10/9-12
Analysis of Phase-Amplitude Coupling in intraoperative EEG for temporal lobe epilepsy
The 47th meeting of the international society for pediatric neurosurgery, Birmingham, 2019/10/21
Sugano H
Epileptic focus diagnosis using artificial intelligence and prediction of surgical outcome
Iimura Y
Analysis of phase-amplitude coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp electroencephalography: Comparison with focal and generalized epileptic spasms
第53回日本てんかん学会学術集会神戸 2019/11/1
結節性硬化症のてんかん外科手術 -当院の成績と文献的考察-
Expression of leucine-rich alpha2 glycoprotein in the hippocampus prevents decreased cognitive function after status epilepticus
Clinical features of epilepsy in neurodegenerative disorders
側頭葉てんかんにおける術中脳波Phase-Amplitude coupling解析
Analysis of abnormal period detection using AI-system in EEG from epileptic patients
小児におけるラコサミドの使用経験(The efficacious outcomes of lacosamide in pediatric patients)
Improving Accuracy of Language Area Mapping using Passive Functional Mapping and Cortico-cortical Evoked Potentials
American Epilepsy Society 73rd annual meeting, Baltimore, Dec 2019
Sugano H
Machine learning for epileptic focus detection using multiband entropy-based feature-extraction in patients with focal cortical dysplasia
Nakajima M
Expression of leucine-rich alpha2 glycoprotein in the hippocampus prevents decreased cognitive function after status epilepticus
Iimura Y
Analysis of Phase-Amplitude Coupling in intraoperative electrocorticography for drug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Suzuki H
Infantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia secondary to perinatal MCA ischemic stroke; Pathological network of hypsarrhythmia
Mitsuhashi T
Improving accuracy of language area mapping by passive functional mapping and cortico-cortical evoked potentials
Ueda T
Strategy of epilepsy surgery for elderly patients with drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy
Yasushi Iimura
Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations skip the motor area with drug-resistant multilobar epilepsy
Takumi Mitsuhashi, Hidenori Sugano, Madoka Nakajima, Takuma Higo, Yasushi Iimura, Hiroharu Suzuki, Hajime Arai
Association Area and Connectivity in Childhood using functional MRI and diffusion MRI
Epilepsy surgery technical meeting Vienna, Sep 2018
Hidenori Sugano
Approach selection for hemispherectomy
Yasushi Iimura
Callosotomy followed by posterior quadrantectomy in Sturge-Weber syndrome
第77回日本脳神経外科学会総会 仙台 Oct 2018
Strong coupling between slow oscillations and wide fast ripples in children with epileptic spasms: Investigation of modulation index and occurrence rate
Yasushi Iimura, Hidenori Sugano, Hiroharu Suzuki, Takumi Mitsuhashi, Hajime Arai
Analysis of coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp electroencephalography for Sturge-Weber syndrome with contralateral epileptic discharges
Strong coupling between slow oscillations and wide fast ripples in children with epileptic spasms: Investigation of modulation index and occurrence rate
American Epilepsy Society 72nd annual meeting New Orleans, Dec 2018
Sugano H, Nakajima M, Iimura Y, Mitsuhashi T, Kawamura K, Higo T, Arai H
Analysis of phase-amplitude coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp EEG in patient with epileptic spasms without MRI abnormality
Yasushi Iimura, Hidenori Sugano
Analysis of coupling between fast and slow oscillations in scalp electroencephalography for Sturge-Weber syndrome with contralateral epileptic discharges
Mitsuhashi T, Sugano H, Nakajima M, Iimura Y, Suzuki H, Kawamura K, Arai H
Appropriate Language Task and Features for Physiological Localization during Passive Functional Mapping
Kawamura K, Sugano H, Nakajima M, Higo T, Iimura Y, Suzuki H, Mitsuhashi T, Arai H
Functional MRI and Structural Connectome Mapping Analysis of Language Networks in Japanese-English Bilinguals